Thursday, October 20, 2011

Project 3 - Brand Me Up Buttercup

We had to be split into pairs for this particular project where we had to get to know each other and create visualisations of each others interests/background. With the aspects we found out about one another, we initially had to 'brand' our partner & create some sort of logo that can explain who my partner is.
I have come up with a simple shape of a baseball cap as my partner is into wearing them most of the time when he goes out, he also mentioned to me that he is protective over his family and in particular his sister. Therefore, I have added the slogan used for the police department in America "To Serve and Protect" onto the hat - the two aspects of my partner are then merged into one to create my logo.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Project 2 - Stairway To Helvetica (Eurostile)

 For the project "Stairway To Helvetica" we were split into groups and were then given a Typeface (Eurostile). We carried out research on this particular font to find out it's history, where it's used, who created it etc. After finding out this information we then started to create music to it to the instrumental of the 'Prince of Bel Air' intro/theme song.

We then performed it to the rest of the class which can be found here:

Afterwards we were given the task to create a music video for our song and upload it to YouTube. We did this by using the instrumental and recorded all of us singing our song into the laptop and merging it together. We took our video separately and then merged the audio and video through editing. I have displayed stills of our music video, which can be found here:

Project 1 - Hello My Name Is...

For my first project, we were required to draw in response to the different questions displayed on the paper given to us. However, for each of question we had a certain limited amount of time to draw our answers. I experienced slight difficulties trying to think of my answers to these questions and how to put the answer that was made in my mind onto paper, overall it was an enjoyable project and the use of media created a good effect.